Adult Stem Cell Therapy


In 2008, we came across adult stem cell therapy through our continuous online search for others who sought ways to regain their health through cutting edge treatments, new therapies, technology and research. We trusted it would be just a matter of time – hopefully within our lifetime – until such therapy became widely available.

 In 2009, after we made initial contact with a stem cell clinic called Regenocyte, and spoke with then cardiologist Dr. Zannos Grekos, we were determined to have Mailia considered as a potential candidate for adult stem cell therapy so she could begin treatment for her Eisenmenger’s. 

Mailia was treated in 2010 and 2011 by Regenocyte in both Florida and the Dominican Republic using the Vescell cell line using her own peripheral blood and cells, from Theravitae’s lab in Israel. (See blog posts from 2009-2012).

In 2013 and 2014 Mailia became a patient of the Stem Cell Institute in Panama and received two stem cell treatments using mesenchymal stem cells derived from Wharton’s jelly or donated cord blood and processed at their Medistem lab. (See blog posts 2013-2014).

Updated March 27, 2015: We are currently seeking professional consultations on future stem cell treatment options for Mailia and discerning the best facilities and doctors available.

Is the treatment expensive? Yes, but we should not put a price on one’s health. If there's a chance of getting our daughter’s life back, how could we not? Someday, the FDA will approve of these Adult Stem Cell therapies here in the US and Canada but until then, we will continue to work towards giving Mailia a good shot at living a quality life.

Mailia's website is twofold: One, to help assist her in raising donations to help offset the costs of stem cell treatments and her future heart surgeries and second, to also keep those interested posted on our experience with these procedures and treatments as well as outcomes like Mailia’s personal progress so it may be a blessing and inspiration for someone else who has been given no hope or viable options.

We will regularly update where we are in terms of reaching our financial goals. . If you click on the donations link at the top of each page, instructions for donating will follow. We want to be prepared to take Mailia for her future surgeries and procedures as soon as possible.  Please consider helping us make this a reality for Mailia and to become a part of her miracle by sharing her story.


Note: To see a spreadsheet of Mailia’s progress to date which captures most all of her major tests (Right heart catharizations) and stem cell transplants and her drop in pulmonary vascular resistance you can email us directly and request a copy from us.